It's Monday.  And I have to admit that I was a little bit leary about our first full week of school.  After all, there is so MUCH to do.   So MUCH we have to learn, so MUCH we still don't know about each other.   I got to school really early and started working on plans for the week - today's the day we kick off our Reading and Writing Workshops.  It was also our first Monday morning meeting - the first time to come together as a school community.  What a great way to begin each week.   Mr. Elliott made us all feel welcome, new students and new teachers.  We celebrated birthdays and had a moment of silence in remembrance of all that happenned ten years ago on September 11th.  The ten year anniversary was hard - so much was lost that day.  But I am lucky, I have children in my life.  My own are 11 and 14 and I know they have the power to change the world.  My class is filled with six and seven year old's and I know that they have promise as well.  I am so lucky to do what I do because children are incredible teachers  and they are full of love, hope and possibilites.  So yes, it is Monday, and it's the first of many Monday's this school year.  I can't wait for each and every one! 

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