It has been a long time since I blogged about anything.   And of course I am promising to write more in the new year.   In fact, I started to write about an hour ago and decided  I just didn't know what to say and then I read my last post and I had to chuckle. So here goes -  
  If you look below you will see the part about me still trying to figure out how to rearrange the desks to keep the noise level down. That was back in September and I think I have changed the desks at least a half a dozen times since then.    Well it's a new year and I'm still struggling with seating in my classroom.  But, I'm not complaining anymore.   I have a classroom filled with talkers - kids who are smart, happy and who love to share experiences and information.   And while they do get off task every once in a while, and the noise level does get higher than I'd like, I am listening to what they are saying more and more. My students are talking about books , and snakes, technology and odd and even numbers.  They are talking about family and friendships and games they are playing on the playground.  They are talking about their  school, their neighborhood and the world around them.  They are talking about ways we can all make a difference.  And while I am still waiting for some different desks to arrive so that I can change the room just one more time ... I'm resigned to the fact that this is never going to be a quiet classroom and I'm okay with that because I  so like what I'm hearing. 
Mr. Jeffrey
1/22/2012 02:28:27 pm

I love being apart of the learning going on Room 204! I read this post to my daughter Madeline and she's excited about being in first grade!


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