December 12, 2011 

Twas the Night before Winter Break and all through the Classroom . . .
I’m sure we will be working fast and furiously this week as we get ready for a 2-week break! Thank you all for sending in “goodies” so that we can decorate gingerbread houses with our reading buddies on Friday afternoon.   Please let me know if you can help with this project as well.  I, unfortunately, will not be there as I am leaving for Hawaii on Friday.   I will so miss decorating but the kids will be in good hands with a familiar substitute, Mrs. Peabody and Mrs. Leland that day. 

Cornelius has a home for the break --  A big thank you to Evan and his family, they will be taking care of Cornelius over the holiday. 

Report cards will go home on Friday.   I hope they are self-explanatory – we did them online for the first time this year.  I hope they go along with what we talked about at conferences.  Please let me know if you have any questions about them or your child’s progress in the classroom.

Again, thanks for everything.   I wish all of you a great holiday and the most joyous of new years!



December 5, 2011

Dear Families,

I spent the weekend doing a lot of holiday “stuff” - I got the tree up, the kids and I did some shopping downtown and I have to say – I love this time of year! I think that although it can be hectic – it generally brings out the best in us. I hope you are finding some quality time with family and friends as well. Here’s a few odds and ends this week:

Neighborhood Project-

The kids really went to “town” last week (I couldn’t resist) creating a mural that represents our neighborhood. We also created some fictitious families to live there. Thanks to all of you who sent in boxes – they were put to good use. I will put a picture of our neighborhood on the website today.

Roots of Empathy –

Our visit with Baby Mary was a bit different last week. We were honored to have not only Mary and her Mom but the founder of ROE , Mary Gordon, with us as well. Because of her visit we had a News team from the Seattle Channel here as well. As soon as I know when the piece is airing I will let you know. I also got to hear Ms. Gordon speak at the town hall meeting last

week and I saw some of you there. Again, we are so fortunate to be able to do this in our classroom this year.


A couple of things – I am looking for white business cards that you may not need anymore and are in good shape. I can’t tell you why because it’s a holiday secret. I know I have an old box somewhere – if you do could you please donate them to our classroom. Also, Snack – we are running low.


Our baby corn snake will need a home for the 2 week winter break. He is really very low maintenance – all he needs is a warm room and someone to feed him once a week. And trust me; all of you have a snake expert living in your house.  Please let me know if you are interested – we would all so appreciate your help with this.

Finally, we have a new student in our classroom -Aiden Patterson and his family moved here from Virginia. Welcome Aiden and his mom and dad, Heather and Rodney. Have a great week everybody!
