Post Title.


Dear Families,


I hope you all had a great weekend.   You should have received your child’s report card on Friday.   Please keep the insert and just send the envelope back with your signature on the front.   Can you believe we are just two weeks from Spring Break?  Now if the weather would only cooperate…..

Daily 5 –
We are going to begin a new literacy study this week.   We are going to spend some time studying fairy tales.  This is a unit Ms. Leland did last year and we’ve decided to work together with the hope that the kids will eventually write their own fairy tales and present them at a performance in early May.  We hope to create costumes and sets so there may be some more opportunities for parent volunteers. 

Writers Workshop
Our nonfiction work continues in Writers Workshop.  Kids are working on “All About Books”.   They picked their own topics and are organizing facts on different kinds of paper utilizing a table of contents and pages that let them create diagrams and close ups.   
Everyday Math –
We are starting a new unit that continues to help kids learn basic math facts. Your child should being to master these facts by the end of the year.  Some of the kids are ready for multiplication and they are working on these facts as well.  I will continue to send home math homework.

Class Meetings –

Our class meetings are really helping us to work together to solve problems.  Our behavior in line has been something that has been “bugging” a lot of us.  So last week we problem solved ways to make our line straighter so that we could get where we were going more quietly and safely.   The kids decided that it might be helpful to have an order and so now they are lining up in ABC order.  It has seemed to help and the kids love that they figured out the solution.

Thanks for sending in snack – the cupboard is full!  Have a great week everyone! 

